Jonathan Drew
Remote, NW England

Financial Management & Planning for SMEs

Having held senior management roles as Financial & Managing Director with a number of SMEs, Jonathan has extensive experience to help support and develop growing businesses. He has led a number of acquisitions, investments & restructuring projects as well as acted as a Non-Executive Director including serving as Chair of Audit with a Foundation Trust in the health sector.

About Jonathan




“Jonathan is professional, approachable and friendly. We have benefited as a company from his professional advice. We previously used a mix of in-house and 3rd party and EFM are a lot better.”

Graham Peace, Digital Fusion Ltd

Jonathan’s work in action

Flexible funding solutions obtained for growing oil & gas firm

The recently formed international trading company had grown very quickly from a standing start and the business needed to fund significant further growth, ensuring it maintained sufficient working capital for the projected higher level of trading activity. An additional element to financing was that trading transactions were multi-currency, involving sterling, euros, and dollars, so there was a requirement to mitigate foreign exchange risk as well.  In the initial growth phase, the business had used standard accounting software coupled with a bespoke operational trading system to track bulk and container movements. It was therefore key to ensure these systems were integrated as comprehensively as possible with finance so that the stock and currency positions were recorded and monitored on an ongoing basis.  The forward plan and budget set out a near doubling of trading activity with increased stock levels and additional geographical spread, so it was key to bring in additional finance streams particularly to cover stock during the extended shipping period from the Far East to Europe. 

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